APPI Pilates Instructor Certification Balance Payment $2247.5
$2247.50 inc. GSTAPPI Clinical Pilates Matwork & Equipment - Balance Payment $2747.50
$2747.50 inc. GSTPractise your Pilates teaching skills with our three hour mentorship package with an APPI Pilates course educator.
$380.00 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Balance Payment $3996
$3996.00 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Instructor Certification - Balance Payment $350
$350.00 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Instructor Certification Balance Payment $1099
$1099.00 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Instructor Balance Payment $2400
$2400.00 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Instructor Certification Balance Payment $1496
$1496.00 inc. GST