If you did not achieve a minimum 70% grade for your APPI Pilates Instructor Certification practical exam, you will be required to resit the exam to receive your certification.
If this is required, feedback and further details will be provided by your examiner.
APPI Pilates Instructor Certification Balance Payment - $1252.50
$1252.50 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Pro Live provides allied health professionals the ability to deliver personalised online Pilates programs from anywhere, at any time around the globe. This online program allows users to access a complete exercise library of over 200 APPI Mat
$0.00 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Instructor Balance Payment $2400
$2400.00 inc. GSTPractise your Pilates teaching skills with our three hour mentorship package with an APPI Pilates course educator.
$380.00 inc. GST