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A taste of APPI Matwork and Equipment Pilates training

A taste of APPI Matwork and Equipment Pilates training

APPI Matwork Pilates: video of 100s level 4 and variations.

During Matwork level 3, intermediate and advanced Pilates repertoire is taught which continues directly from the foundational movements taught on Matwork level 1.  In the below video, 100s level 4 is demonstrated with a regression and progression.

100s level 4 is an abdominal endurance exercise - the challenge is to maintain the abdominal prep position in double tabletop position for 100 breaths.  This requires good coordination between the centre and the more global abdominal muscles, as well as strength and endurance to maintain this position.  The deep neck flexors and surrounding musculature must also be strong to support the weight of the head against gravity.

In this video we can see the level 4 100s, followed by a regression, incorporating the use of a gym ball to support the weight of the legs and therefore reduce the load on the spine and abdominals.  A great option as people are progressing through their rehabilitation but are not quite strong enough to maintain double table top safely.

If you want to add a challenge without progressing to a longer lever position,  try incorporating some theraband, placed over the lower legs to add some resistance to the upper limb component of the exercise. 

APPI Equipment Pilates: video of knee stretch and long stretch with variations

During Equipment level 4, intermediate and advanced Pilates exercises are taught on the large Pilates equipment which involve full body integration.  In this video knee stretch and long stretch are demonstrated with some variations.

The first demonstration is of knee stretch with knees on the carriage - this is a great way to re-train hip extension dissociation while maintaining the upper body still in space, focussing on good upper quadrant positioning under relatively low load. Progressing to knees off, increases the challenge to abdominals and upper body, incorporating a full Pilates plank.  Take care people do not fall into excessive lumbar extension during the plank position, maintaining neutral lumbo plevic alignment is the aim.  Once the Pilates plank can be achieved during knee stretch, try progressing to a long stretch where movement at the glenohumeral joints now allows the trunk to move further away from the foot bar, increasing the abdominal challenge - be sure to only move as far out as the neutral lumbar spine can be maintained.  As the carriage comes back in and the shoulders are aligned over the foot bar you can incorporate a push up for an upper-body challenge - (this sequence of long stretch and push-ups can be done with knees on the carriage as required).  The last variation involves a hip flexion from the plank position, creating a stretch for the hamstrings and another element of abdominal activation.