Home / Face to face courses / APPI Matwork Level 3 - Intermediate / Advanced

APPI Matwork Level 3 - Intermediate / Advanced

$760.00 inc. GST

You can now complete APPI Matwork Level 3 online from anywhere in the world.

APPI Pilates Matwork Level 3 Intermediate / Advanced, is a direct continuation and progression of the exercises covered in our APPI Matwork Level 1 course.  You will now experience the higher level of the APPI Pilates repertoire.  These intermediate and advanced exercises are all taught with clinical applications as the main focus. You will undertake movements requiring full body control and strength and learn how to effectively teach them in order to progress your clients through their rehabilitation to high level function and fitness. Workshops exploring the use of massage balls as well as effective Pilates cueing are also delivered. This course can be completed prior to or following Matwork Level 2.

Course sessions

Location Address Dates
ONLINE Online via Zoom | 9am-5pm AEDT Start date: 21 Jun 2025 09:00
End date: 22 Jun 2025 17:00
  • Course outline
  • Sample repertoire
  • Testimonials
  • Eligibility
  • Certification Exam
  • Questions

APPI Pilates Matwork Level 3 – Intermediate/Advanced builds upon the movements, understanding, cueing skills and exercise selection framework of Matwork Level 1. 


Theory and practical workshops over the two days review effective cueing skills including verbal, visual and tactile teaching elements. Discussion of the clinical application of the Pilates movements occurs at the time of teaching to help participants understand the relevance of these exercises. Case studies are reviewed and participants have the chance to design and discuss treatment plans for particular clients. 12 new intermediate and advanced exercises, including controlled strength exercises are also taught to widen your repertoire.  This course will give you tools to enable you to progress clients from the rehab stage to higher level function and fitness.


Participants can undertake Matwork Level 3 prior to or following Matwork Level 2.  APPI Matwork Level 1 is the prerequisite for this course.

Demonstration of side bend level 1 and 2 covered on APPI Pilates Matwork Level 3. 


Side bend is a fantastic exercise that fires up pretty much all of the main myofascial slings discussed throughout APPI Pilates teacher training. It's a great way to progress upper quadrant strength once your client has good deep neck flexor endurance and good scapulothoracic awareness and control.  It would be advisable to train your client in a 4 point kneeling position to address the above areas before progressing to side bend level 1.
Types of patients who would benefit:
  • those requiring isometric rotator cuff strengthening (level 1 especially)
  • those requiring oblique and core strengthening 
  • those requiring glute med and lateral sling strengthening (especially the variation shown of level 1 with the hip abduction component)
  • General Pilates clientele wishing to progress and incorporate full body conditioning into their programme.
In the video, we see a few variations of side bend.
Level 1: Ideal to progress upper body and core strength from 4-point kneel based exercises.  As the level of difficulty increases, so do the watchpoints, so there are some important cues which will help your client get the best out of the exercise.  
 - "Keep your head in line with your spine". A mirror is helpful if you have access to one.  It's very easy for gravity to take over the weight if the head and to fall into cervical lateral flexion which we want to avoid.
 - " Maintain your rib-hip connection" or " keep the imaginary springs between your ribs and hips on even tension" this cue is important especially as the upper-most arm becomes involved - there is a tendency for spinal extension - the idea is to maintain good abdominal activation throughout and a fairly neutral spine, this tendency is particularly noticeable in individuals who are quite mobile through their spine and shoulders.
Variation 2: Ideal to strengthen the lateral sling.  This exercise has been shown through EMG studies to be one of the most effective gluteal exercises to activate gluteus medius
- Cues: Once the client is in the modified side plank position " keep your hips up as you lift the top knee".  This is the hardest part of the movement as glut med on the underneath side must work to maintain pelvic alignment as the top leg abducts.  There is a tendency to fall into relative hip adduction of the bottom leg which we want to avoid.
Side Bend Level 2: Ideal to challenge balance, spinal mobility, coordination as well as upper body and core strength.
Cues:   "Push yourself out of the floor" this can help to engage serratus anterior on the weight bearing side. 
" Glue your inner thighs together" This will help engage adductors for more control in this challenging position with a small base of support.
When starting out, commence with just a few repetitions done regularly to build up endurance, then aim for long holds to develop isometric rotator cuff and trunk strength as control improves.
Precautions: This is not a starting point exercise for most people, ensure that good control and awareness has been obtained in a 4 point kneel and plank positions (in which weight bearing occurs through both sides ) before progressing to this unilateral exercise.  Take care with those who experience a lot of tension through the upper quadrant and people with very mobile shoulders who have not done the foundation work on their proprioception and control.  

This video shows the APPI Pilates exercise: 100's Level 4, which you will learn on Matwork Level 3.  The video covers several variations too.



-  The presenters Mike and Sally were amazing. Great teaching style

- Everything. Great to put it all together and also see the changes in my own abilities with the repertoire.

- The instructors are amazing! motivational, highly knowledgable and amazing at teaching the class. I was inspired to become like them. I loved this course!

-  Accessibility to feedback and discussion with instructors, manual clear layout, easy parking

- Sally was a great instructor who explained clearly and made everything relevant

- Group discussions were particularly helpful in gaining more ideas from other health professionals

- The presenters were fantastic. they explained everything very well and were very approachable for questions

APPI Clinical Pilates teacher training is designed for physiotherapists, osteopaths, exercise physiologists, doctors, sports scientists, chiropractors, rehabilitation therapists, occupational therapists, degree qualified myotherapists and students undertaking an allied health degree.

APPI Pilates Matwork Level 1 is the prerequisite for this course. To view our upcoming Level 1 course dates click here.


If you have NO healthcare background then our APPI Pilates Instructor Certification is ideal for you. The course will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to teach both matwork and reformer Pilates classes and one on one sessions for healthy population groups. Learn more >>

On completion of the APPI Matwork Levels 1-3 and certification logbook you are eligible to sit the APPI Matwork Certification Exam. The exam consists of 2 components; a 30 minute practical exam by video submission and a 60 minute multiple choice theory exam completed online. To read more about the matwork exam and book on click here.


Speak with one of our Pilates educators. Call  03 9525 0080 or email us