APPI Pilates Exercise: Sick Kick levels 3-5
International APPI Pilates Presenter, Physiotherapist, UHM Education Manager and Dance Instructor Sophie Contreras demonstrates the APPI Pilates exercises Sick Kick levels 3-5. We asked Sophie some questions regarding these movements.
What are the aims of this Pilates exercise?
"The aims of this Pilates exercise are;
"I like to imagine that I am polishing the surface of a glass coffee table with the inner aspect of the moving leg, this can help to maintain the correct alignment of the upper most leg throughout the exercise and prevent it's adduction or internal rotation as fatigue sets in."
What do you find particularly challenging about this exercise?
"Having the lower leg hovered off the floor can make level 4 extremely challenging from a balance perspective. I usually encourage that clients reduce the range of flexion and extension of the uppermost leg when they first begin this level in order to focus on lumbo-pelvic control first and foremost. Once their balance improves, they can start to increase the range within the limits of their control. Look out for people complaining of neck tension as they potentially start to brace through lats and neck/shoulder muscles to keep balanced. Level 5 tends to be somewhat easier to stay balanced, however; people with stiffness in their lumbar and thoracic spine may find this lateral flexion component difficult to achieve without becoming quite overactive through the upper most quadruatus lumborum which can be uncomfortable. Be aware also of the challenges to the upper quadrant relating to the weightbearing upper limb in level 5"
What do you like about this exercise?
"Side kick level 3 and 4 is fairly low load through the abdominals and spine so is great for many populations of clients including pregnant women. The simple change between level 2 and 3 of placing the hand on the hip, then between level 3 and 4 of hovering the bottom leg off the floor means clients can be challenged in one seemless progressive sequence, making it an especially adaptable exercise in a class allowing simple options for people to be able to work at their own level."
This Pilates exercise is from the APPI Pilates Matwork Level 3-Intermediate / Advanced course. You can view the full course outline and upcoming Australia course dates here.
- To retrain high levels of rotary lumbopelvic stability
- To strengthen gluteus medius and challenge endurance
- To energise the lateral sling and the anterior oblique sling
- To challenge scapular stability at level 5
- To challenge balance and stability in side lying"