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Clam Variations from APPI Pilates Matwork Level 1

Clam Variations from APPI Pilates Matwork Level 1


This video demonstrates a series of variations of the clam exercise from the APPI Matwork Level 1.


The clam allows us to target the lateral sling in a non-weightbearing position, and it is indicated if your assessment of single leg dip shows internal rotation of the femur. Be mindful when performing the clam that the gluts aren’t excessively squeezed but rather the client should be instructed to allow the movement itself to produce work in the glut without a squeeze. Whilst inappropriate for those with glut med tendinopathy, for other clients the series can be used for an effective glut workout.


Matwork Level 1 - The Foundation

APPI Matwork Level 1 provides rehabilitation professionals with essential, fundamental knowledge to begin offering modified Pilates to their clients recovering from back pain and other injuries. Drawing upon relevant clinical research, APPI Pilates Matwork Level 1 provides an evidence based approach to teaching Pilates in the clinical setting. Learn a variety of beginner level movements addressing lumbo-pelvic stability, postural education, correct movement patterning and body awareness. This highly practical two-day Pilates course will arm you with the necessary skills to immediately incorporate your new knowledge into working practice!

Course dates / More info