Double Table Top with variations from APPI PIlates Matwork Certification Series
This video demonstrates a series of variations of the double table top exercise from the APPI Pilates Matwork Level one course. Double tabletop is an effective exercise to challenge the global muscle system and challenge disassociation of the hip.
As it is a commonly used position in Pilates, it is very important to practice effective performance of the double table top to ensure protection of the back and hips. While doing this exercise the client should feel only the core rather than the hips or thighs. To correct any issue here, the therapist should check the client’s hip mobility and providing this is satisfactory, the client should return back to their 5 key elements and dynamic stability exercises to improve their strength first.
This is a wonderful exercise for those who require hip flexion such as cyclists and those who wish to sit for long periods.
You can learn more exercises like this on APPI’s Matwork Level 1, the first step in the Matwork Certification series. Matwork Level 1 arms you with the skills to begin delivering one-to-one, clinically reasoned, Pilates based treatment plans for your clients.
The APPI Clinical Pilates Matwork Certification series is the essential Pilates teacher training course for allied health professionals. To find out more about the APPI Matwork Pilates series for and 2020 course dates click here.