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Foam roller chest stretch

Foam roller chest stretch
Try this simple sequence to stretch your chest, shoulders and upper back while challenging your centre and balance.
Lie on the foam roller with your feet hip-width apart.  Take a moment to review your 5 key elements on the foam roller and focus on some lateral breaths.  Notice how your body adapts to being on the unstable base, you may need to be slightly more aware of your centre compared to when you are simply on the mat.

With your centre engaged, float your arms up so your fingertips point towards the ceiling. Ensure your hands are shoulder width apart to avoid unnecessary tension through the chest and front of your neck.  Breathe out as you scissor your arms, 1 arm floating overhead, then other lowering towards your leg, hold for an inhalation, then swap arms on the exhalation.  Pay particular attention to the feeling of your rib cage and lower back on the roller as your arms move.   The ribs should stay in constant contact with the roller throughout.

After 8-10 repetitions, vary the exercise so both arms float overhead together as per the video, this will further increase the challenge to keeping your spine still as the weight of both arms challenges your stability.  Imagine a set of springs attached between the lower ribs and your hip bones.  Ensure these imaginary springs stay on even tension as the arms lower overhead. If you feel your ribs starting to lift away from the roller, reduce the range of movement at your shoulders.  If you isolate the movement to your shoulders, you will get a better stretch!

Finish off this short sequence with a pecs stretch.   In the same start position, fingertips pointing up to the ceiling , exhale and allow your arms to float out sideways, so your arms are approximately 90 degrees to your trunk.  Hold this position for an inwards breath, then return to the start.  After a few repetitions, hold the arms in this position for 5 breaths or so, for a more sustained stretch, providing that feels comfortable. Focus on keeping your shoulder blades broad as the arms lower, this will ensure you are stretching your pecs and front of your shoulders.  As a more intermediate progression to increase the intensity of the stretch (providing you have no shoulder or neck problems)  try incorporating some light weights (0.5kg for example)

A simple sequence like this will take you only a few minutes, and is the perfect postural break to incorporate into your working day, getting you away from your desk.  Give it a try, your upper body will thank you for it!

Foam roller chest stretch

Pilates Props

Would you like to incorporate some small Pilates props into your Pilates classes to expand your repertoire?  Join us on APPI Pilates Matwork Level 2 - Class Instructor to learn a variety of warm up and cool down movements to incorporate into your classes, along with cueing skills that are essential in running a seemless class.  You will also experience adapted Pilates repertoire incorporating some small Pilates props and participate in various workshops focussing on how to achieve flow in your Pilates mat classes. Upcoming courses Adelaide         13  - 14 Aug 2016  Melbourne     27  - 28 Aug 2016 Brisbane         3  - 4 Sep 2016  Sydney            15  - 16 Oct 2016 Perth              3 - 4 Dec 2016 QUICK BOOK    MORE INFO