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How clinical Pilates can help you overcome imposter syndrome

How clinical Pilates can help you overcome imposter syndrome

Ever feel like you’re a phoney, masquerading as a successful allied health professional? Do you experience anxiety or stress at the idea of your patients doubting your skills and abilities as much as you doubt your own? Do you struggle to celebrate or feel your success internally, or even credit “good luck” for your successes and achievements?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be suffering from imposter syndrome.
Imposter syndrome is an uncomfortable feeling or lack of confidence, where you’re convinced you’re unqualified or incompetent to perform your job, or you feel as though you’ve somehow deluded the people around you into believing you’re more skilled and capable than you are. You’re always waiting for the shoe to drop, for your colleagues or patients to realise you don’t know what you’re doing, and you’re simply fumbling your way along and experiencing good luck at some points along the way in your career journey.
Imposter syndrome can be crippling and all-consuming. It can make you less likely to seek career opportunities, promotions or salary increases – even when you deserve them. It can leave you feeling insecure in your job and in yourself, always stressed about being fired or criticised. It can leave you lacking in self-worth and feeling unworthy of recognition, reward or praise. It can even affect your willingness to pursue further learning or education, or to upskill – after all, if you feel like you’re a failure or a fraud, why would you invest in improving your skills if you’re only going to be “exposed” eventually anyway?
Luckily, there is an effective solution. But it does involve you fighting back against this belief or conviction that you’re “too far gone” to invest time in upskilling. Because there’s a simple, straightforward way to overcome imposter syndrome as an allied health professional… and it’s by completing your APPI Clinical Pilates Certification.
Here’s how this course can leave you feeling more confident and comfortable in your own skills and abilities, and overcome imposter syndrome.

1. You’ll enhance your understanding of the human body.

Our APPI Clinical Pilates Certification was created by physiotherapists, based on years and years of both clinical experience and scientific research. This means every concept, lesson and element of the course is rooted in evidence and an in-depth understanding of human anatomy, functionality and ability.
In completing a course with this level of science and human understanding behind it, you know you’re pursuing education options which best align with your values as a health professional. You know the learnings you take away will be effective, powerful and therapeutic in your practice as an allied health professional. With knowledge comes power, and more importantly, confidence! So improving the depth of comprehension and comfortability you have around the human body and its functional capacity, you’ll give yourself the best chance of kicking imposter syndrome to the curb, and feeling more confident in your ability to support your clients thanks to your depth of skills and understanding.

2. You’ll improve your clinical skills

Clinical Pilates is all about learning to support the individual. It centres around providing personalised interventions, treatments and therapeutic approaches, to allow each of your clients to achieve their health goals and feel personally cared for and supported.
These skills are so transferable and applicable to every aspect of your practise as an allied health professional. The more you’re able to address and support your clients as individuals, and offer tailored approaches to their concerns or needs, the more your patients will appreciate your skills, and the greater their outcomes will be.
Our course is designed to elevate your skills set and knowledge base across all aspects of the human body and its needs. As a result, you can approach your patients’ care with a more holistic, broad understanding of their requirements, allowing you to provide a more comprehensive and superior level of service. 
By upskilling in such a fundamental aspect of your work, you can walk into your practice each day feeling empowered, comfortable and capable in your ability to satisfy and support your clients effectively.

3. You’ll be able to work with a much greater range of patients.

Following on from the last points, the greater your knowledge of the human body and its capacity, and the more skilled you are in providing a personalised approach to your patients’ needs, the more different types of patients you’ll be able to work with and support. After all, you’ll feel able to cater to different types of focuses, goals, abilities, concerns and requirements, allowing you to help your patients achieve a whole variety of goals such as rehabilitation, strengthening and improving mobility – all using the skills you learn in the APPI Clinical Pilates Certification.
And the greater variety of patients you can work with, the more your employment opportunities and earning potential increase too!

4. You’ll achieve elevated outcomes and results for your patients.

We’ve touched on this already, but as you improve your skill set and the quality of the care and service you’re able to provide your patients with as the direct result of your APPI Clinical Pilates Certification training, naturally you’ll be able to help your patients achieve superior, faster results in whatever area they’re focused on.
Not only is this incredibly satisfying and rewarding for you, you’ll feel so much more confident in your abilities and skills as a health professional, helping you to overcome your imposter syndrome and any lingering self-doubt you’re experiencing. There’s no arguing with results – or with the praise and gratitude your patients will shower you with in appreciation of your expertise and support!

5. You’ll feel more deserving, capable and confident in your skills and expertise.

When you complete our APPI Clinical Pilates Certification, you know you’ve been educated by the leading experts in the Pilates industry, following a course created by the top healthcare professionals in their field. This, plus the heavy evidence-based focus of the course has earned our certification its recognition as the most respected, renowned course available Australia-wide.
Not only can you be confident in your choice of education and upskilling training, but you can also walk away from the course with a whole new set of skills, and a much greater depth of knowledge and understanding of the human body. Plus, you’ll develop your practical skills for both working with clients on their health goals, and also relating to them and making them feel individually supported by your personalised, comprehensive approach.
In enhancing your knowledge, skillset, education and ability to cater to and satisfy your clients (not to mention your capacity to elevate their health outcomes and results when they seek out your services), you can fight back against imposter syndrome once and for all, and begin practising with confidence and security.
Don’t suffer from imposter syndrome in silence. You deserve to feel empowered, confident and capable in yourself and your work. As an allied health professional, you do so much to help many people feel and be healthier and happier. You should feel rewarded and recognised for this!

Ready to commit to banishing your imposter syndrome for good? Enrol in our upcoming APPI Clinical Pilates Certification! Or, you can book a free chat with our friendly course experts for more information on how this course (or our others!) can help you achieve your personal career goals and objectives here.