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How to make money and thrive as a Pilates Instructor

How to make money and thrive as a Pilates Instructor


How to Make Money and Thrive as a Pilates Instructor kicked off Unite Health’s three part Spring Webinar Series with an inspiring and diverse panel of speakers sharing their experiences in the Pilates industry with rich and frank insights. 

Whether you're just thinking about joining the Pilates industry, or looking for ways to diversify your contribution in the Pilates space, this webinar is for you. 

So what’s it all about? 

Making money in the Pilates industry is a topic treated as taboo, remuneration feels secret and off limits to discuss openly, often leaving a giant question mark over such a fundamental aspect in forming people’s decisions on entering the industry. 

Thriving in the Pilates industry is about finding that thing that sparks your joy, the part of the job that fills your cup and gives you that constant sense of fulfilment. This webinar explores the many ways you can keep that inspiration flowing, with speakers sharing their advice on how to make your knowledge and experience work for you.  

Who are the speakers? 

Each panellist comes to the table viewing Pilates through their individual lens. Their generous contributions to the discussion will leave you feeling in awe and inspired to follow your unique Pilates path. 

Denny McFadden is a Unite Health grad working as a full time in-studio Pilates instructor. He’s found the perfect balance between his instructing work with time to dedicate to his other passions including modelling and music. 

Candice Lester, another Unite Health grad who  owns and operates her own Pilates merchandise business Wild Mingo, and teaches blocks of classes in-studio finding the flexibility in this approach suits her other professional commitments. 

Sophie Appel completed her Pilates teacher training through Unite Health through lockdowns and took her new knowledge and skills to social media where her presence has grown beyond anything she could have imagined, surrounding herself with a beautiful online community where she can share her Pilates passion. She’s taken this in-studio, as well as offering privates and exclusive events. 

What will you learn? 

If you want to bring joy into people’s lives through Pilates this webinar will inspire you to find a way to carve your own path in the industry. 

Pilates can be a part of your life in so many ways and this webinar will help guide you in finding your place in a way that serves you, your goals and your purpose. 

You can watch our How to Make Money & Thrive in Pilates Webinar here.

Opportunities are only limited by your creativity and your confidence to take that leap! 

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