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Spikey Ball Release

Spikey Ball Release
Spikey Ball Release
By Sophie Contreras
Incorporating massage balls into your Pilates sessions, mat classes or  home exercise programmes is a simple way to help your clients relax, address  myofascial tightness and enable a more comfortable rest position from which to execute Pilates movements.  Her are a few simple ways to incorporate the massage balls into your Pilates sessions
  • Lie in the rest position  and take a moment to be aware of how your lower back feels and how easy it is to get into a neutral pelvic position.  Then,  place a spikey ball under each buttock.  Simply rest in this position and focus on lateral breathing here.  Just staying in this position can help relax the lumbar erector spine before you start exercising as well as increasing tolerance to the sensation of the spikey balls.
  • Start to add in some gentle, isolated  lumbo –pelvic movements, some pelvic tilts, lateral tilts and circles with the balls still in the same position to provide a gentle massage.
  • Now we can incorporate some beginner APPI matwork  movements, adding a hip twist level 1 and scissors level 1 will provide a slightly deeper massage while still focussing on the key principles of Pilates during these simple exercises.
  • For those clients who need deeper release work, adding in a hip twist level 2 will provide a strong massage through the gluteals as more weight is now placed on the spikey ball as you rotate from side to side.
  • Following this sequence, remove the spikey balls and take a moment to re-assess how your body feels.  You may feel your back is more relaxed and more prepared to attempt exercises such as shoulder bridge or exercise in double table top.
Spikey balls are available to purchase through our online shop. Our APPI Matwork Level 3-Intermediate/Advanced Pilates course includes a spikey ball workshop that explores the use of Pilates massage balls for self release.