Variations on the reformer
Variations on the reformer - by Sophie Contreras, Training & Education Manager
Pilates teachers are always keen to learn variations of exercises - this is important knowledge to have in order to tailor your sessions to suit the individual needs of the client you are working with. If you are ever stuck for a variation, consider the concepts of range, leverage/load, speed, base of support and you should be able to come up with a few options.
Let's look at mid back series - triceps on the reformer (from APPI's Equipment Level 2) and come up with a few modifications.
Range: one of the simplest factors to consider - simply reduce the range of elbow flexion/extension you move through, to reduce the difficulty or choose to work specifically in one part of the range that there may be a functional requirement for.
Leverage & load: This exercise is generally performed in double table top position - if this is too challenging, you could start with the client in slightly more hip flexion, or even one foot on the foot bar. If you wanted to increase the challenge, you could extend one leg, to a 45 degree angle, or even both legs for an advanced option. You could also add an abdominal preparation to the movement +/- the leg extensions to increase the abdominal load.
Speed: vary the speed to challenge control and coordination, you may want to slow down the eccentric phase of the exercise and speed up the concentric phase for example.
Base of support: placing a soft Pilates ball under the pelvis will create a less stable base of support so may increase the challenge in some people. Be aware that for others, even though the base of support is "less stable", because having the ball under the pelvis will place them in a more posteriorly tilted position, there will likely be increased activation of the global abdominals, which for some people will feel easier.
For more information and course dates on APPI's Equipment Level 2 click here.
Attend the APPI equipment series to learn a repertoire of equipment exercises. APPI specialises in the delivery of Clinical Pilates education for health professionals. For course dates and details click here