This movement helps to stretch the pectoral muscles and can help to improve your posture. Its a great stretch for anyone sitting at a computer all day.
Chest stretch on the Pilates foam roller:
- Lie down lengthways on the Pilates foam roller. Your tailbone and head should both be in contact with the foam roller to give them support.
- Bend your knees to help your balance and aid you in keeping your natural spine
- Open your arms out to a T shape (see picture below). Only open your arms to a comfortable position
- Hold your arms in the T shape for 15 seconds then return to your side, repeat this 4 times.

If you don't have a foam roller you can still enjoy a chest stretch using a wall.
- Stand tall, bend your elbow to 90 degrees and bring it up to shoulder height.
- Place your forearm against the wall
- Gently turn your body away from the wall, whilst your forearm stays connected
- When you feel a mild to moderate stretch across your chest hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat 4 times on either side.