Join APPI Co-Founder and Physiotherapist Glenn Withers for this world-renowned Pilates for Hypermobility program. The APPI Pilates for Hypermobility program is a targeted exercise class that is safe and effective for people with various types of hypermobility.
This package includes our three most popular introductory courses covering anatomy, physiology and biomechanics.
$400.00 inc. GSTJoin APPI Co-Founder and Physiotherapist Elisa Withers for this world-renowned back care program. The APPI Pilates back pain program has been at the forefront of helping thousands of people around the world for over 15 years
$30.00 inc. GSTDuring the course you’ll learn beginner, intermediate, advanced original and APPI evolved Pilates movements along with countless modifications and variations on this versatile piece of equipment.
$900.00 inc. GSTBarrecontrol™ online certification has been developed by APPI co-founder, physiotherapist, Pilates Master trainer and classically trained ballerina Elisa Withers; and San Diego Ballet Company Professional dancer, Pilates master trainer and Doctor of Physi
$650.00 inc. GSTAPPI Pilates Presenter Sophie Contreras takes you through an online Pilates class incorporating a lumbo-pelvic stability sequence. Designed for Physiotherapy students.